Choose to lead, don’t lead because you were chosen

I am a huge fan of great minds like Simon Sinek as I am a huge fan of great minds like Anna who sells fruit around the corner of my house and always generously serves me with her wisdom on important skills (unknowing that in the business world these are called leadership skills) together with fruits and legumes.

There is so much commotion around Leadership, so many endless articles, trainings, workshops, books, speeches, quotes etc.

There is so much commotion because the role is enormous, the responsibility is beyond belief, the impact is unimaginable.

Please consider, when deciding to take on such a role that reading about leadership, while it might shake your grounds or your thinking, it will not be enough to shake your behavior and your current habits. This you will have to do on your own. The only way this will be achieved is if you:

a)   acknowledge what needs to shift in you

b)  accept you strengths and improvement points

c)   understand where they are coming from

d)  choose your new path wisely and with self awareness

e)   commit to an action plan

f)    Act on it

g)   Be patient and persistent on your new habits

h)  Repeat

Kindly keep in mind that your Leadership style, your strengths as well as your short comes will have a direct impact on the people that look up to you.  Many of your behaviors will later be repeated, mimicked, so be as considerate as possible of your imprint and the legacy you are leaving behind.

Being a leader is more than a title on a business card and knowing the seven steps of this or that. It is about genuinely caring, truly investing, active listening, thorough questioning, fairly challenging and fearlessly placing your ego aside while you become part of this team that you lead.

In my path as a leader, I have definitely made my share of mistakes, many of which have cost people their piece of mind, in my lack of mature mind. Today, as I have grown and realized the immense responsibility of this role, I hope they will forgive me. I am grateful to them, as they unknowingly gave me the opportunity to learn, grow and respect the role and not the title.



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