An eye for an eye
What is wrong with us? Why are we so eager to attack each other, to hate each other, to belittle each other? Why is there such a great need to be separated in two camps; them and us; us and them?...
What is wrong with us? Why are we so eager to attack each other, to hate each other, to belittle each other? Why is there such a great need to be separated in two camps; them and us; us and them?...
In all the years that I train and consult, and they are many, that which rewards me the most, is the trust that people show in me. It rewards me and it scares me equally....
Psychotherapy, Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, Meditation!! I have been and am not only a fan of all of the above but also licensed in most of the above.So, of course I am a strong believer of self-love, self-respect, self- awareness, however I have an urge to pull the brake!...
I am a huge fan of great minds like Simon Sinek as I am a huge fan of great minds like Anna who sells fruit around the corner of my house and always generously serves me with her wisdom on important skills (unknowing that in the business world these are called leadership skills) together with...
Every war up to today, has brought people against people, the reasons differ but the same ones are repeated each time: money, religion, raceā¦EGO, at the end it all comes down to EGO; my race is better than yours, my religion is better than yours, your money should be mine etc. and over and over...